(Makayla is too scared the cat might get her that she can't look at the camera!)
On the way
Mindy was so excited to start 1st grade!
Makayla by her cubby. When I gave her a hug goodbye her heart was pounding but she didn't cry :)
Mia holding Stripes. We found a turtle just hanging out on the side walk.
Makayla after her LONG bus ride.
I was waiting outside for the girls to get off the bus. When it pulled up at 3:45 Mindy was the only one on the bus!!! The bus driver said there was a mix up and Makayla was on another bus. I then got a call from the bus barn saying that Makayla was in mayfield (30 minutes the opposite direction!) and would be home in a little while. The bus barn blamed it in me (saying Makayla didn't have any paperwork) and the school for putting her on the wrong bus. I called the school and they gave me a different story saying she was on the right bus but that one of the bus drivers put her on a different bus. I was so frustrated!!! Mindy told me that she told the bus driver that her sister wasn't on the bus when they were at the school and he just said that they had to leave....Mindy was so worried about her the whole bus ride home. Makayla said when she was on the bus the driver asked her where she lived and she said "I don't know" thank goodness she could tell him her first and last name at least! I thought for sure she would be crying (because I would have been) but she said she didn't cry at school or on the bus :) she finally got home at 4:20 and we were all happy to see her!!